Monday, May 25, 2009

Day 7 of 30 Day Challenge

Today I was in a bad mood even before starting my exercises. I think I may have even cursed the Wii a few times during my workout. For some reason, when I do the bicep curls/shoulder lifts the damn remotes always have a hard time registering that I've gone up or am holding, etc. Annoying! I made it through the work out, though.

Did you work out today?

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Day 6 of 30 Day Challenge

Today is a day of rest. Apparently Wii Active gives you two days on, one day of rest. I can deal with that. I'm going to make sure I drink my bottle of water today.

I'll see you tomorrow.

What about you, did you exercise?

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Day 5 of 30 Day Challenge

I just finished day 5. The Wii Active told me it was going to be a bit more intense than the previous day and it was. I really like how the Wii Active gives you new exercises to do each day. It's not the same boring stretches or exercises. Today's workout was about thirty minutes long. I'm tired. I'm sore. Goal acheived, right? I need to finish my bottle of water and hop in the shower.

Did you exercise today?

Friday, May 22, 2009

Day 4 of 30 Day Challenge

I just wrapped up my fourth of thirty days of workouts. Oy. I started my workout even with a splitting headache. Not always a good idea, but I pushed forward. The workouts suck, in a good way. I'm a sweaty pig girl when I'm finished. The only thing I don't like about the Wii Active workouts are the band exercises. My hands always stink from the latex/rubber strap.

Speaking of stink, I need to go take a shower now. (After I finish this bottle of water, yuck!) See you again tomorrow!

How are you doing with your exercising goals?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Day 3 of 30 Day Challenge

According to Wii Active, today is a day of rest. I can't complain about the machine. I shall obey thy command. Ha.

I will be sure to drink at least one 20 oz bottle of water today, though. I promise!

See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Day 2 of 30 Day Challenge

Today I worked out for 30 minutes. I completed all 15 of the tasks. My body was really aching last night and today. I can tell I haven't done this much exercise in awhile. I was able to do my exercises with a bit more ease today. I wasn't dripping with sweat, but I was hot and moist. Oy. No pain (or sweat!), no gain, right? I think in this case, the saying should be no pain, no loss! Ha.

I'm on my first 20 oz of water today. My goal is to drink at least one bottle a day for the first week. (I have a bad 2 liter-a-day coke addiction. Plain water makes me gag. One small step at a time, folks!)

Have you done your work out today?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Day 1 of 30 Day Challenge

I know, I know. I kind of fell off the exercise wagon. Truth be told, I just wasn't losing weight fast enough to keep my motivation going. Plus, it's hard keeping two blogs updated near daily. Last week while my SO and I were at the game store I saw a sign for the new Wii fitness game. We paid for the reservation and I waited patiently for it to come out today.

I bought the new Wii fitness game, Active hoping it would spark my motivation a bit to get some exercise going around this joint. I decided to start off with the 30 day challenge. Today was nearly 40 minutes long. There were 18 different steps to do which included, walking, running, stretches, kick backs, boxing, etc.

I could tell I haven't worked out in 112 days awhile. Running is not my favorite thing to do outside, much less inside. The kick backs were fucking annoying. I think I was doing them right, but the way the strap is placed on your leg it was like the controller wasn't registering how fast I was doing it. It wore me out. I almost stopped half way through because I thought I couldn't take it any more. It was a really good physical work out that made me sweat.

Tomorrow I will get off my ass to do it again. My goal is to continue through at least the next 30 days before giving up. I really need to lose some weight. It's just hard without seeing results immediately. I know I didn't gain this weight over night, so I can't expect to lose it that fast either. Here's too a little bit of motivation and a lot of weight gone.

What about you? What have you done today?