Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dusting This Thing Off

Well, hello there. Almost 2 years and ten pounds heavier, I am back. I don't remember why I jumped off the band wagon, but whatever the reason, it's just an excuse. If I thought I disliked being in my body at 163, just know I hate it just that much more at 172. I'm determined to live a better, healthier life.

I had a two liter a day soda addiction, which I have been free from for almost six weeks now. I've also switched to organic and hormone free for things like my milk, meat, and eggs. I've also been trying to include more leafy green veggies into my diet. I'm not a huge fan of salads most of the time, but for some reason, a hot bowl of spinach is right up my alley.

I've recently wanted to start working out on the Wii again, but my problem is that I haven't bought a pair of shoes in over three or four years. And let's face it, working out in year-old crocs with no tread, isn't exactly good for your feet or workout routine. When I saw DealsPlus post a deal on some New Balance toning shoes I knew I was in for a pair.

Now that I have kicked my coke addiction, altered my eating habits some what, moved my Wii into my office, and my new shoes have been delivered, I am ready to get back in the saddle on the board.

I've decided to work out by using a different Wii game every 30 days. Not only that, but after I have completed my 30 day workout, I will be giving away a copy of that game for YOU to win, too! By doing this, I hope you'll not only follow my journey, but be inspired to work out, too.

Not only can you follow me on my blog, you can also be a catch me on Twitter and Google Friend Connect to the right of this post.

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